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PDSA pet insurance review

Read our expert review of PDSA pet insurance and find out how we rate its policies for cats and dogs  
Matthew JenkinSenior writer
PDSA pet insurance

What does PDSA pet insurance offer?

PDSA is a leading veterinary charity in the UK, founded in 1917, providing free and low-cost treatments to pets in need.

It offers a range of lifetime and time-limited policies for dogs and cats, with the promise that every pet insurance policy sold contributes to its life-saving charity work, keeping its doors open and helping vulnerable sick pets get the treatment they require.

You can insure your puppy or kitten from as young as eight weeks old, although there is an age limit for older pets.

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Does PDSA offer the best pet insurance?

We've rated dozens of insurers on their policies and, where possible, claims service. Members can log in to read our full reviews. If you're not already a member, join Which? and get full access to these results and all our reviews.

How good are PDSA pet insurance policies?

Members can log in to read our full policy analysis. If you're not already a member, join Which? and get full access to these results and all our reviews.

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Members can log in to read our full policy analysis. If you're not already a member, join Which? and get full access to these results and all our reviews.

How good is PDSA at handling claims?

The latest data from the Financial Conduct Authority shows that Pinnacle Insurance (PDSA's underwriter) paid 95-100% of claims on its lifetime policies in 2022, which was around average.

Of those who claimed, 0-5% made a complaints while claiming, which was about average.

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